Click Here to view the Free Jin Shin AcuTouch© Reference Guide and The World's Oldest Charka Balancing Technique
High Touch Jin Shin is based on an ancient Oriental Healing Art, brought to the United States from Japan by Mary Burmeister and called Jin Shin Jyutsu. Its roots are grounded in one of the oldest Healing Arts and was first recorded in 712 AD, and what is known in Japan as the “Record of Ancient Things. Acupuncture, Shiatsu and many other energy Healing Arts are derived from similar roots. Originally practiced in the home, it was passed down from generation to generation of Japanese families who use these simple everyday treatments for themselves and others. I owe my respect and gratitude to Besty Ruth Dayton, as she was my teacher for many years. Betsy studied with Mary Burmister as one of her first students and Betsy wrote her thesis on Jin Shin and created Vol. 1 & 2 which make the depths of Jin Shin Jyutsu more easy to work with and understand.
In studying the body's energy system, High Touch Jin Shin is a gentle placing of the fingertips on certain points of the body to help release blockages in the body's energy flow. This Energy System (meridians) maintains the balance of the flow of the life-force to every cell in every function of the Human Experience colon Body, Mind, and Spirit.
There are 26 bilateral energy release points (and each one tells a life story - Jin Shin is also known as a “physio-philosophy). You can feel the flow of the energy as it circulates through the body. A blockage in this flow results in an imbalance and leads to dis-ease. It's flow interrupted, a point becomes congested and cannot nourish or cleanse. This area can be sensitive or tender when touched. It may be bloated or puffy as the body seeks to protect the area made vulnerable by the blocked flow. We hold these congested points in a specific pattern to release the blockage. The releasing action is much like using jumper cables to jump start. The energy from our hands “Sparks” the body's energy system where it is blocked. Once the congested point or circuit breaker is opened, the nourishing and cleansing flow can continue. We will feel a light pulsation in our fingertips signaling to us that all is clear and then we can move our hands to the next Point designated in the sequence. Changes will begin to occur immediately. These changes continue to happen for several days. Notice the way the body releases blocked energy. Often there will be dramatic rumbling in the stomach, warmth, fluttering, less pain, or more pain when the blockage is considerable. These movements are indications that your body is healing. Relax with them. Know that the body seeks balance and that your purpose is to support your body.
In this video training, platform class you will learn about and how to implement healing in yourself and others using your two hands.
Learn, understand and practice:
- The ancient history and understanding of Jin Shin Jyutsu: (The Art of Compassion to Self). The oldest recorded “healing art” on the planet. Over 2000 years ago “they” knew how the energies of the body and planet flowed freely.
- The High 5 Essences of “The Animating Force” flowing through all the meridians: Love, Trust, Kindness, Gentleness and Courage. And how it supports perfected life in our body/mind - The Essence of Mindfulness!
- The Low 5 Emotions/Attitudes that block the Energy Flow in the meridians: Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness and Hate, causing dis-ease in the body/mind and the symptoms we all face.
- Why is “Jin Shin High & Low 5” great knowledge for acupuncturists and their clients?
- Most importantly you will learn the oldest Chakra Balance called The Main Central Harmonizer that you can do on yourself and others. This treatment is done laying down with your two hands. It delivers “harmonic flow” to all of the meridians and automatically goes to where you are deficient, thus helping to heal anything disrupted in the body/mind. This is absolutely the most powerful Healing Treatment on the planet! (backaches to stomach issues to emotional problems).
- Learn a few of the simple self-help treatments that are most useful for sickness or dis-ease, like stomach problems, calming infants, immune system boost, and detox, etc. Learn of the specific essences of the liver & gallbladder, stomach & spleen, lung and large intestine, heart & small intestine kidney & bladder.
- Learn to treat yourself and be the “practitioner” to treat others.
Please see the description above in the Free Class. This 3 hour class is so in depth, there is no other class in the world like it. (Detailed booklet included). A very powerful class taught by Robert, who has been teaching for 27 years. In studying the body's energy system, High Touch Jin Shin is a gentle placing of the fingertips on certain points of the body to help release blockages in the body's energy flow, thus relieving the many symptoms and maladies of the body/mind. This Energy System maintains the balance of the flow of the life-force to every cell in every function of our Human Experience: Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Open the doors to the depths of Jin Shin AcuTouch, the precursor to shiatsu and acupuncture. Learn the history of “Energy Flow” and the amazing Force that permeates the body/mind. This Knowledge reveals the foundation of Jin Shin Jyutsu - “The Art of Compassionate Knowing” (“Know Thyself”). The 26 “energy locks” or Nadi Points each tell the stories of our lives.
In studying the body's energy system, High Touch Jin Shin is a gentle placing of the fingertips on certain points of the body to help release blockages in the body's energy flow. This Energy System (meridians) maintains the balance of the flow of the life-force to every cell in every function of the Human Experience colon Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Learn, understand and practice: (The following is just a short summary - see outline)
The detailed booklet comes with the class and covers the depth and treatments
(There is no other class available with this coverage and in-depth training)
- How the human energy system was founded and enabling “healing”, BC.
- The Flow of Life Force - Its essence flowing through the meridians
- How negative emotions are created and block the flow of life force causing dis-ease in the body.
- The High 5 Essence of Flow and the Low 5 attitudes that block the Flow.
- All of the Jin Shin treatments (hand placements) for all the meridians. Stomach/Spleen, kidney/bladder, liver/gallbladder, lung/large intestine, heart/small intestine, umbilicus/diaphragm (triple heater). The most useful: Feeling the pulse and relationships to depts of Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Metal. The Chinese 5 Elements - relations to seasons and the 5 senses.
- The 26 “energy locks” or nadi points tell the stories of life - learn your projects for specific healing
- The High 5 Essences the meridians and the Low 5 Emotions that block the Flow.
- Hand placement for the most ancient Chakra Balance (Heavenly Cycle, Micro-Cosmic orbit for self and others. The absolute most powerful Healing Flow/Treatment on the planet!
- How to pick a treatment by symptoms: ex. Stomach/Spleen - blocked from worry, mental chaos, addictions, over eating, craving, dry mouth, etc and then look at symptoms in blood, craving sweets, diverticulitis, food doesn't seem to descend, yeast/vaginal discharge, etc. This is just one example for how to “treat from symptoms” - Such as Stomach problems, calming infants, immune system boost, and detox, etc. this and many more treatments all in the Jin Shin Booklet
- And so much more ….. (Class Outline)
Literally defined, Jin Shin Jyutsu is the Creator's Art through Compassionate Man, an innate part of human wisdom waiting to become reawakened. As Plato once said, "Learning is remembering." All is within us waiting to be brought to consciousness Read More
Roberts Video on “The Main Central Harmonizer” (COMING SOON!) - The single most powerful self-help and on others treatment literally in the world!
Hand placement for Main Central Harmonizer (All Chakra Balancer)
Energy Flow for All conditions - wherever, whenever you need it.
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Excellent Resource to Jin Shin Jyutsu & Patterns of self-help:
By Astrid Kauffmann BSc, TIDHA, MFHT of the UK
One good example - for Releasing Back Tension and inducing calm:
Please complete this form and indicate which class or classes you are interested in. The classes will begin in the very near future. We will let you know when class dates get released. Thank you!