EFT Meridian Tapping - The One Minute Power Tap


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 to view the Free EFT Meridian Tapping© Reference Guide with The One Minute Power Tap©

EFT Meridian Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) - High Five Tapping   

Based on the teachings of Gary Craig, EFT is the most powerful, life changing technique of this century.  The simple “tapping” on 7 key points on the face and body sends calming energy through the meridians which neutralizes fear, anxiety, phobias and much more.  (ABC), Good Morning America, says “Tapping is sweeping the nation as one of the best, low-cost treatment for anxiety, chronic pain and other mental illnesses.” 
The world costs for addressing mental illness will go over 24 trillion dollars.  Couple this with rampant prescription drug use, “EFT is the Go Too for the best “drug free” health solution”!

EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique as created by Gary Craig, is a simple meridian based energy therapy that can relieve a wide variety of problems including pain, emotional trauma, phobias and addictions. Stimulating (Tapping/Sparking the flow of Energy) is an easy-to-learn sequence of 9 key meridian points by tapping on them, while focusing on the feeling or Low Five Frequencies of the pain or problem, unlocks the block and eliminates the “charge” in the cellular memory that causes it. 

EFT can and should be done (tapped) without saying anything, just tapping the points.  Change your energy and stress level anytime during the day. But the main focus of most EFT classes is to decrease anxiety and other disrupting feeling held in the body.  The object is not to discuss the past but to relieve stress and negative feelings immediately and discover what buried trauma or sabotaging buried emotions hold you in a “do-loop” of repetitive, disruptive thoughts and actions that block your joy of life. Then an open door and path to new opportunities unfolds, as it magically comes towards you. You will learn a technique that will help you for the rest of your life. EFT is done while sitting or standing.  Please see the videos below by Jessica Ortner of Tapping Solution and Robert Baxter to learn the 9 acupoints to tap on and what to focus on.


In this video training, platform class you will learn about and how to implement healing in yourself and others using tapping.

Learn, understand and practice: This Free class makes EFT easy to incorporate into your daily life, whether you’re a skilled practitioner or just learning.

  • How & Why does “tapping” work. Physically, Energetically and “Spiritually”
  • Did Tapping begin over 2,000 years ago? How does it relate to the oldest recorded healing art called Jin Shin Jyutsu? The Meridians?
  • Learn the “High 5” Flow of Energy” that animates our Body/Mind - Love, Trust, Gentleness, Kindness and Courage
  • Learn about Your “Low 5 “Gremlins” that compromise your mind and health?
  • Learn the key 9 tapping points and how they release negative emotions and replace them with positive feelings to support How you want to feel - This IS “The Secret”.
  • Learn Power Tapping tm - “The One Minute Tapper” for Immediate Stress & Anxiety Relief and boosting your immune system and overall health during trying times.
  • Go from total exhaustion to being energized in minutes.
  • Experience a live demonstration and tap along with your own issues/feelings.
  • Leave this class and Feel Better, knowing that you have a tool for life!


Tap into your subconscious and “download” new “programs” to feel
the support of love, gentleness, kindness, courage, trust!.


In this webinar you will learn about and how to implement healing in yourself and others using tapping and Jin Shin Jyutsu Meridian Physio-Philosophy.

Learn, understand and practice: 

  • Tapping “In” or “downloading” the High 5: trust, gentleness, kindness, courage and love.
  • The additional “power points” to tap based on Jin Shin Jyutsu. Unavailable anywhere else
  • The development of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • The human energy field, the body’s energy system, healthy & unhealthy frequenciesThis is a much more detailed class of the above Free Class with Jin Shin Jyutsu - Energy Meridian Therapy (a physio-philosophy).
  • Did Gary Craig first learn Jin Shin Jyutsu? Then create EFT?
  • Relationship of 5 sets of the meridians, Chinese 5 Elements, and 5 attitudes and how they play a key part in our sickness and our health, our happiness and depression. This class provides a sound philosophy for acupuncturists, all other therapists and lay people.
  • How to use the “Low Five/High Five” discovery technique to work on yourself & others for the rest of your life. Be the “detective and the practitioner”.
  • Learn how the Chinese 5 Elements, the meridians and the 5 negative emotions play a part in our sickness and our health, our happiness and depression.
  • Boost your immune system and overall state of health.
  • How “High 5” tapping is the key to “The Secret” and the “Manifestation/Attraction Principle” presented by Bruce Lipton Dr. Joe Dispenza and Abraham-Ester Hicks.
  • Eliminate the past, “low vibe” emotions & phobias held for years - step into a new future.
  • Learn the basic protocols and the “9 gamut” series for difficult issues. (Gary Craig original EFT)
  • Breathing - the key to building and cleaning the body/mind
  • “Flow” vs “disturbance” in the human energy system, effects of blocked “Flow”
  • Relations of the “Flow” of the organ meridians, 5 Elements, 5 senses and 5 attitudes
  • Why High 5 vs. Low 5
  • The 9 “Tapping” points - Chi Activation Points that initiate “Flow” - class participation - one hand/one side or both hands both sides.
  • When to tap - how to tap - what to tap on - where to tap and why tap.
  • Power Tapping - Tapping for No Reason at all with No words. The most powerful of all!
  • Tapping on the Low 5: doubt/worry, fear, anger/powerlessness, sadness, hate/impatience
  • Demonstration with volunteers
  • “Aspects” or depts of feelings - the layers of each Low 5 emotion. “Peeling the Onion”
  • The 9 gamut series and alternate “brain gym” for deeper release of difficult situations
  • Tapping in or “downloading” the High 5: trust, gentleness, kindness, courage and love. What you want to feel
  • Tapping with others, therapists tapping the client on the table or comfort chair - when & how to treat a client
  • Surrogate tapping at a distance for others and animals
  • On-going homework for self & others. Find a buddy or two

Includes live demonstrations and tap along.
Three separate one hour classes, over a two week period.  
Includes support materials and homework.

Roberts Video on “The Main Central Harmonizer” (COMING SOON!) The single most powerful self-help and on others treatment literally in the world!

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Please complete this form and indicate which class or classes you are interested in. The classes will begin in the very near future. We will let you know when class dates get released. Thank you!