


Welcome! Like you, I've faced physical and emotional challenges from mental tension to broken bones. Through learning three  powerful healing techniques, I overcame anger, self-worth issues, and chronic pain. While I still encounter life's hurdles (running a farm, surfing, and riding horses), I can now quickly bounce back from exhaustion and various ailments.  


My journey began with polio, which left me temporarily paralyzed. Two nurses restored my health through hot packs and stretching, setting the foundation for my life's work. During my 30-year sales career, I studied alternative therapies, including Jin Shin Jyutsu, EFT Meridian Tapping, and connective tissue work. These techniques blend biology, quantum physics, Chinese philosophy, and hands-on healing.  


For 26 years, I've taught these methods across the Americas, witnessing remarkable transformations.  


There are also “healing products” on this site which I have used and found to be most effective for your health. You will also see the most powerful pain relief botanical, topical on the planet, Helios CBD First  Aid, (also used for teeth and mouth pain, bee stings and burns).  I founded www.HeliosHealthProducts.com 18 years ago which provides all natural, botanical therapeutic solutions.  


These three simple yet powerful techniques and products form the cornerstone of self-healing. I'm passionate about sharing them with everyone - from yoga practitioners to construction workers, from grandparents to children.  


Join me in learning these life-changing tools for yourself and others.  


Best wishes,
